Would you like clean air in the city? How can we get rid of noise and emissions from delivery vans in the city?
Addressing the issues of urbanisation, transportation, and rising greenhouse gas emissions is one of the biggest challenges of the future. In particular, the electrification of road transport is high on the political agenda of all major world economies.
We in sys2WHEEL give answers to these questions by developing sustainable city logistics and improving mobility and quality of life of European citizens.
City logistic is one of the most polluting segments of the transport sector and commercial vehicles generate much more noise than passenger cars.
The ultimate goal of sys2WHEEL is to develop sustainable city logistics and improve mobility, accessibility and quality of life of European citizens by taking a transdisciplinary approach.
The project partners are committed to fulfill three scientific and technical objectives.
Providing brand-independent technologies and solutions for the 3rd generation of fully battery-electric commercial vehicles fulfilling the needs of CO2-free city logistics.
New Project Video by TOFAS
2 new publications
Final Public Event – Documents
3rd Newsletter launched
2nd Newsletter launched
3 project deliverables published
elaphe at the TBB Connect
1st Newsletter launched
2nd General Assembly Meeting
General Assembly Meeting
Kick-Off Meeting
European Key Partners

“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824244. The website reflects the consortium’s view, the Agency and the Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it concerns.
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