sys2WHEEL’s overall project concept follows a classical engineering development process and is divided into two different types of activities: horizontal and vertical lines.
The horizontal lines including system requirements & architecture relate to transversal and collaborative activities that are key for realizing synergies through the project and achieving more generic results.
The vertical lines are related to specific commercial demonstrator vehicle development activities. Project management, dissemination, and exploitation are important support activities.
First, the relevant system requirements & architectures for commercial vehicles and the corresponding specifications as a base for the development and evaluation work will be defined. Next, the corresponding innovative components and systems will be developed. Eventually, a comprehensive technical and economic evaluation of the solutions will be performed. The two commercial demonstrator vehicles serve as “concrete” use cases and integration platforms for this development process.
sys2WHEEL focuses on commercial vehicles of the categories N1 and N2, which also serve as physical demonstrators. It explores the scalability of the solutions developed into a much broader range of commercial vehicles to maximize impact and to enable economies of scale.
The 3 years sys2WHEEL project is organized in seven work packages. WP2 and WP3 represent the two horizontal lines that are responsible for the specific and transversal components development for both demonstrators and the knowhow transfer to the vertical lines. WP4 and WP5 represent the two vertical lines with a clear focus on N2- and N1-category demonstrator for urban transport logistic and city logistics.
“System Requirements & Architecture”
focuses on the development of system requirements including detailed business cases for the in-wheel and e-Axle system of sys2WHEEL. As second step, the modelling of the two system architectures will be done. WP1 will focus on the aspects of energy efficiency, modularity, standardization and decreasing manufacturing costs.
The results will be a solid base for WP3 evaluation of the developed demonstrators and for the cost assessment. And they are a starting point for the work in WP2, WP4 and WP5.

WP2 (horizontal)
“Comprehensive Component & System Development”
focuses on the development of the relevant systems, e-Axle and in-wheel. It develops the TSN and software-driven system functionalities regarding thermal management, safety, reliability and robustness and NVH (noise/vibration/harshness) aspects for both systems.
WP2 is one of the linking elements of the two selected architectures of sys2WHEEL.

WP3 (horizontal)
“Evaluation & Cost Assessment”
deals with the evaluation of developed vehicles and components including cost assessment. To evaluate the project goals of sys2WHEEL, WP3 develops evaluation criteria and evaluates the reference vehicles for all vertical lines. The results will be available for the vertical lines during the development.
WP4 is also a linking element because it provides a manufacturing cost-driven comparison of in-wheel and central motor technology.

WP4 (vertical)
“V1 – Development of N2-category Demonstrator”
focuses on the development of the N2 category vehicle demonstrator with the e-Axle system and the integration of H-Line results. Starting with system requirements and system architecture of WP1, WP4 develops the basic functionalities and innovations of the demonstrator to prepare it for the integration, adaptation and optimization which come with the WP2 results.
After the integration of the WP2 results the demonstrator will be tested on a functional level and than delivered to WP4 for the final evaluation.

WP5 (vertical)
“V2 – Development of N1-category Demonstrator”
focuses on the development of the N1 category vehicle demonstrator with the in-wheel system and the integration of H-Line results. Starting with system requirements and system architecture of WP1, WP5 develops the basic functionalities and innovations of the demonstrator to prepare it for the integration, adaptation and optimization which come with the WP2 results.
After the integration of the WP2 results the demonstrator will be tested on a functional level and than delivered to WP4 for the final evaluation.

“Dissemination & Exploitation”
is focussed on the dissemination of relevant development results regarding single components and systems, demonstrator vehicles and research results to the selected target audience.
The exploitation to relevant partners of the automotive value chain is part of this work package, too.

“Project management”
is focussed on the successful implementation of sys2WHEEL, the communication with the EU project officer and the reporting internally and externally.