The sys2WHEEL consortium gathers 12 European key partners from 8 different countries that cover the entire vehicle value chain to develop affordable, compact, brand independent and safe solutions for the 3rd generation Battery Electric Vehicle.
The credibility of sys2WHEEL is based on its experienced transdisciplinary team:
- Automotive manufacturers through IVECO and Tofas
- Drivetrain and/or component experts through FTP Industrial, Elaphe, AVL, SoftWheel, HiWi-tronics
- ICT technologies through TTTech and University of Surrey
- Automotive researchers through Virtual Vehicle, University of Surrey and IESTA
- Involvement of European cities, policy makers and end users through the involvement of sys2WHEEL advisory board members in the development and implementation phase of the project.
The sys2WHEEL consortium is appropriately balanced and has reached the critical mass to successfully combine broad industrial knowledge with a solid scientific foundation. The project is strongly industry-driven which is reflected by the involvement of four large enterprises and five SMEs . Three partners are universities and applied research institutions.
The ability of the consortium to achieve the project goals is supported by the fact that all partners have been successfully involved in national and international R&D projects in related fields.
Also, some of the consortium members have previously worked and are currently working together on joint research projects. Well established communication routes are critical success factors in such complex research environments.
sys2WHEEL is supported by the advisory board for logistics and the advisory board for research to ensure the quality of requirements and to disseminate the project results successfully.
Additionally, sys2WHEEL is part of the virtual E-VOLVE (Electric Vehicle Optimized for Life, Value and Efficiency) Cluster. It is realizing and monitoring synergies between six projects from the GV-01 Horizon 2020 call from the European Commission. The strategic goal is to execute joint dissemination, exploitation and standardization activities.